It's so good to have you here, Peter! It's great to have more writing on animal rights and effective altruism on Substack.

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Your early masterpiece book of logical, moral based reasoning - Animal Liberation had a profound effect on my life! I have been 90% vegetarian (averaged out with periods of veganism) and animal rights promoter ever since I read it at 16 years old, and I am now a middle aged aged man. Thank you! And glad to see you on @Substack - subscribed and recommended!

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Eating plants is a win, win, win — for animals, our planet, and our health. It’s a decision slowly catching on. Arguments against don’t hold sway against the evidence.

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Thank you for coming here. Thank you for the impact you have had on my life and the way I view the world.

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I challenge you to a philosophy contest. The above is just an answer (framework of understanding) for your audience. Let's start with meta-philosophy and lay out in simple, straightforward terms our philosophy (a coherent set of answers to a set of philosophical questions, or a coherent solution (action plan) to a philosophical problem). Let's compare and contrast, integrate the audience as Devil's Advocates to ensure all meaningful aspects are covered, then create a simple graphical flowchart of the relationships to forever settle the matter. Then we can work our way up to ethics.

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Welcome to Substack Peter! Looking forward to reading your writing.

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His philosophy is a useful challenge to our status quo

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I've always been curious as to whether you believe in a notion of blameworthy/praiseworthy actions.

In other words is the structure of moral facts exhausted by a pure partial order on possible worlds/choices or is there also some kind of zero (eg choices below this line are wrong choices above it are morally acceptable and even better ones are supererogatory).

The former seems like the natural view for the utilitarian realist imo but usually I see your work presented otherwise.

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Welcome to Substack! I'm very happy to have you here!

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Congratulations on your retirement! Looking forward to reading your newsletter.

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After reading your joint book The Buddhist and the Ethicist, I was struck by the thought of compassion being a result of self discovery. Is there a separate way of thinking for those who have not experienced that discovery? Anyway, great book!

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Very excited

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You are certainly the most influential philosopher to me. Your work got me to stop eating meat, although I am not a vegan yet. Excited for your substack!

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